The far right has launched a full-out attack on education as a public good, and it’s time for us to fight back!
Across the country, red states are pushing through universal private school voucher scams. These private vouchers use YOUR public dollars to subsidize children ALREADY going to private school.
Donate Today.
Most taxpayers have no idea their dollars are being spent to privatize public education. With your help, we can tell them.
Help us hold politicians accountable for giving away public tax dollars to well-off families that can already afford to send their children to private schools.
The truth about private school vouchers
In undemocratic gerrymandered red states across the country, universal vouchers are being used as a weapon in the far right’s full-out attack on education as a public good.
Given the consequences, as well as the fact that we’re all paying for it, every American needs to know this story.
Whether journalists, politicians at any level, activists, or everyday citizens, we must explain clearly what is happening.
Most Americans will be appalled.
And then we must do all we can to fight back.